Runnymede Healthcare Centre is committed to providing quality patient care and continually improving the patient experience. Patient Relations plays an important role in supporting patients and enhancing the relationship between patients and their healthcare team. Patient Relations uses patient and family feedback to understand what we are doing well and how we can improve the care and services that we provide.


How do I share a compliment?

If you have a compliment or would like to share a positive experience about your care, we would appreciate hearing from you. You can submit a compliment by contacting the Patient Relations office or using the online feedback form by clicking here. We collect and share your compliments with staff, managers, physicians, and senior leadership.


What to do if I have a complaint?

If you are a patient or the family of a patient who is currently receiving care as an inpatient, the best way to address your concerns is to speak with your nurse, doctor or a member of your healthcare team.


What do I do if my complaint cannot be resolved by the care team?

If you need further help, ask to speak with the Patient Care Manager on your unit. If you are unable to resolve your complaint with the members of the healthcare team or the Patient Care Manager, please contact the Patient Relations office for assistance or you can submit a complaint using the online feedback form by clicking here.


Our patient relations process

Patient Relations will seek to respond to your feedback and assist you in resolving any issues or concerns you or your family may have. Patients and families can expect the following phases in resolving complaints:

In accordance with the Excellent Care for All Act, 2010, Runnymede Healthcare Centre would like to ensure our patients, families, visitors, and community partners have ease of access to share compliments, suggestions, and complaints. We continuously monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of our patient relations processes.

Please Note: If feedback is submitted on behalf of a patient, Patient Relations will need consent of the patient or the patient’s Substitute Decision Maker (SDM) to proceed.

Click here to read Runnymede Healthcare Centre’s full Patient Relations Management of Complaints and Compliments Policy.


How do I contact the patient relations office?

The Patient Relations office is open Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm (excluding holidays). If we are not able to take your call, please leave a detailed message and your call will be returned within 1 business day.

By Phone:
416-762-7316 ext. 2119

By Email:

Click here to complete our online Feedback Form

In Writing:
Patient Relations, Runnymede Healthcare Centre, 625 Runnymede Road, Toronto, ON, M6S 3A3

Please call ahead for an appointment


Accommodating Accessibility needs

Runnymede Healthcare Centre is committed to ensuring that our feedback process is accessible to persons with disabilities. Please let us know if you require accessible formats or communication support in order to access our patient feedback processes.


The patient and family advisory council (PFAC)

Our PFAC represents the voice of Runnymede Healthcare Centre’s patients and families who have unique experience, insights, expertise, and perspectives that are invaluable to improving care. The Council is an opportunity for patients and families to participate as partners in planning services and systems which can positively shape the patient experience.

Runnymede’s PFAC is co-chaired by a Patient Experience leader and a Patient and Family Advisor (PFA). PFAs are volunteers and are recruited through an application and interview process.

Meetings are held monthly for two hours, but the time commitment is flexible. Meeting minutes can be accessed at the patient care unit or at the ground floor Reception desk in the Patient Experience binders.

To take part in meaningful change at Runnymede Healthcare Centre, apply to join the PFAC by clicking here. If you would like more information about the role as a PFA, please click here.

To find out more information about being a Patient and Family Advisor, please contact us at or call us at 416-762-7316, ext. 2119.


Essential Care Partner (ECP) Program

Runnymede Healthcare Centre recognizes the essential role of care partners in improving the experience and maximizing positive outcomes for our patients. The ECP program remains in place as patients may identify and designate their ECP(s) whose presence is deemed essential to their safety and well-being.

An ECP is an individual who is key to supporting the care of the patient and provides direct services, including physical care, emotional, psychological or navigational support, and excluding controlled acts as defined in the Regulated Health Professional Act, 1991. ECPs can include family members, close friends or other caregivers as identified by the patient, Power of Attorney or Substitute Decision Maker. A formal application process will apply. Click here to read more on the ECP Policy.

For more information or if you wish to apply to be an ECP, please contact the Patient Relations at 416-762-7316 ext. 2119 or at



Patient Relations: Management of Complaints and Compliments

Essential Care Partner