Privacy Protection
Your Right To Privacy
At Runnymede, your privacy is important to us. We are committed to ensuring that staff and patients understand the importance of privacy rights and obligations.
The Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) balances an individual’s right to privacy with the need of healthcare providers to access and share this information. For more information regarding privacy protection of personal health information, please refer to the personal health information page.
The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) provides a right to the protection of personal information. For more information regarding the privacy protection of personal information, please refer to the personal information page.
How To Contact Us
If you need more information about how the hospital protects the privacy of your information or if you have concerns with our practices, contact our information and privacy office at or 416-762-7316, ext. 2117.
We will ensure that your concerns are investigated and a response is provided to you in a timely manner.
If you feel your concerns have not been addressed, you have a right to contact the Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario:
Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario
2 Bloor Street East, Suite 1400
Toronto, ON
M4W 1A8