Quality Improvement Plan

Quality improvement is an ongoing priority at Runnymede. The annual Quality Improvement Plan is our commitment to continually strive for better quality of care for our patients and their families.

We also report on our progress. It’s important to let you know how we’ve been doing. We’re accountable to our patients and to ourselves to hit our marks and achieve our goals.

Please click here for more information about the Quality Improvement Plan.


Accountability Agreement


Food, Transportation and Other Expenses

Read about the provision of food, beverage, accommodation, transportation and other expenses in the following policies:


Runnymede’s Report Card

Runnymede’s Balanced Scorecard is published quarterly and highlights all the ways we are meeting our targets and setting new benchmarks in care.


Accessibility Plan

Learn more about accessibility at Runnymede in our Accessibility Plan.


Fiscal Accountability

Audited Financial Statements

Expense Disclosure

Hospital Funding

Runnymede Healthcare Centre receives funding from the Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network. The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent the views of the Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network.

Broader Public Sector Accountability Act (BPSAA)

To learn more about our compliance with regards to hospital expenses, see Runnymede’s Attestation in accordance with section 15 of the Broader Public Sector Accountability Act (BPSAA).

Ontario Hospital Parking Directive

The Ontario Hospital Parking Directive outlines reporting requirements relating to parking revenues, expenses, and how funds generated from parking operations are used by the hospital. However, since 2020, due to the ongoing construction of the new Long-Term Care facility, Runnymede Healthcare Centre has not had any patient or visitor parking to generate additional hospital revenue.

Environmental Reporting

We are committed to lowering energy costs and raising our environmental performance, while maintaining and improving patient care. Since launching our Runnymede Recycles program in 2012, numerous operational changes have been made with environmental sustainability in mind.